Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pre Mother's Day Boutique

Sunday May 1st from 1pm-6pm, Oreana Winery 205 Anacapa Street
Come find a handmade gift from a local artisan for mother's day, or bring your mom out a week early! Browse gifts, relax, and grab a glass of wine. Local vendors selling everything from jewelry, clothing, dolls, and knitted goods, as well as on site henna and feather hair extensions.

In light of recent events, some vendors will be donating 10% of their proceeds towards disaster relief in Japan. Many people in the affected ar...eas are still suffering for lack of food, with only bread or instant packaged food. Within freezing conditions, there is an urgent need to provide people with hot, nutritious meals. Our boutique will be donating to an organization called Peace Boat.

From March 23 Peace Boat began to provide 500 hot meals per day for people in evacuation centres in Ishinomaki City, and will continue to do this over the long-term. Today they are serving over 2000 hot meals per day! All money donated goes directly into relief efforts :)

Read more about Peace Boat here:

Vendors Supporting Relief Efforts Include:
AyaPapaya ~ featherwear/extensions www.ayapapaya.etsy.com
Cimmeri ~ dolls and plushies, www.cimmerii.com
Ecozuzu ~ eco conscious clothing
Rogue Butterfly ~ handmade jewelry, www.roguebutterfly.etsy.com
Sweet B ~ knitted goods and jewelry, www.thesweetb.com
Alison Riede ~ cupcake wrappers, www.sugarcatstudio.com
Twin Bella ~ twinbella.etsy.com
Heather ~ www.etsy.com/shop/thelionsdenstudio
Jewls ~ unique, stylish one of a kind jewelry
Ornate Firefly ~ www.ornatefirefly.etsy.com, clothing and jewelry
Henna with Saleema
Violet’s Closet ~ lace tops and panti toes

Other vendors:
B Line ~ upcycled clothing
Voladora Designs
Bohemian Bombshell ~ www.bbombs.com
Coyote Pheonix ~ http://www.etsy.com/shop/coyotepheonix
Sukiku ~ www.sukiku.etsy.com
Sara Murals ~ www.saramurals.com

Monday, April 4, 2011

Vendor Insurance for Craft Fests??

Does anyone have an agency they like to use for Vendor Insurance at craft fests or events that require insurance? I found DHC insurance and they seem very nice and easy to deal with.. I'd love to hear any Etsy SBers and other crafter's advice on this type of thing :)