Thursday, December 2, 2010

Santa Barbara Featured in Current Edition of ReadyMade Magazine

Posted by Kristen

As an artist and creative person, ReadyMade is one of my favorite magazines. My friend Stephanie affectionately refers to it as "craft porn," and that pretty much sums up how I feel about it.

Last night when I got the latest edition in my mailbox, I ran to the bed to get my relax on (and get warm! I know it's Santa Barbara and all, but it's been c-c-c-old here lately!), and I flipped it open. I couldn't believe my eyes! Santa Barbara was the focus of the Place Setting feature!

I was so stoked to read about Santa Barbara in the way that I know and love it - a place that is home to so many heart and soul creative types. I feel so blessed to live here and to be part of the Santa Barbara creative community, and I am especially excited about this newly formed Santa Barbara Etsy Team!

PS - My bio is coming soon! I promise! :) but in the meantime, you can find out more about me on my blog,

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